Find the Digital Assets
You Need

OpenAsset Makes It Easy To Find What You Need
Effortlessly search for your best digital assets to create winning proposals.
Search for Digital Assets

Search for assets by projects or properties.

With keywords that apply to an entire project, such as city or client, your team can quickly find groups of digital assets from your entire library.

With project-specific metadata you can easily search for digital assets based on criteria such as completion date or square footage.

Search by file-specific identifiers like building elements or materials.

Search by file metadata. Customize metadata fields to ensure you capture all the key information about your files. Further enhance accessibility through additional information, such as photographer or copyright holder.

Select the Right Digital Assets for the Job
Use Access Levels to surface the most suitable files, such as those that are for promotional use or are copyright compliant. Access Levels can also be used to archive assets or add restrictions to out-of-date files.
Maintain control over which digital assets are searchable and can be accessed through the use of permission groups.
Preview files to make sure they’re what you need before you download or use them.
Discover Digital Assets
OpenAsset helps you find similar images based on AEC and real estate elements across your entire database.
Albums allow you to group selections of digital assets together for you to share with colleagues both internally and externally.
Save Time and Create Higher-Quality Proposals
OpenAsset is transforming the way AEC and Real Estate firms manage their images and create RFP responses.
If you’re ready to find out more, complete and submit the form to arrange a time to meet with one of our solution experts.