How to Create a Construction Marketing Plan That Wins Business  - OpenAsset

How to Create a Construction Marketing Plan That Wins Business 

In the highly competitive world of construction, standing out from the crowd is not just about the quality of your builds, but also how effectively you market them. Having a carefully organized construction company marketing plan is crucial for achieving a competitive advantage in the fiercely competitive construction sector. 

An effective marketing strategy enables you to effectively showcase the value you provide to clients, leading to the acquisition of more quality leads and the retention of existing customers.

However, with the large options of marketing channels available to businesses today, crafting an outstanding construction marketing strategy can be quite overwhelming. 

In this blog, we aim to help construction business owners and marketers like you develop a strategic, results-driven construction marketing plan that highlights your unique strengths and services and resonates with your target audience, driving growth and winning more business

We’ll even provide you with a construction marketing plan template to make the planning process less daunting. 

1. Establish Your Construction Company’s Vision and Mission 

In any business, standing out begins with a clear vision and mission. Defining the company’s mission and vision comes first in crafting a marketing strategy because these elements shape the course of your marketing efforts, influencing both the visual and verbal messaging. 

To market effectively, you must first distinctly understand and articulate your business’s core strengths and offerings.

Your vision should paint a picture of the future your company strives to create, whether transforming cityscapes or crafting sustainable homes. Your mission, on the other hand, is about the present — how your company’s actions and services contribute to that future. 

For example, your objective is to establish yourself as the premier renovation firm in California, while your future goal is to contribute to the community through job creation and by advocating for safe, environmentally responsible work methods. 

Consider what values drive your team, what unique approach you bring to construction, and how you want clients and competitors to perceive you. This isn’t just corporate jargon; it’s the foundation of your brand and guides your business decisions. 

2. Understand Your Target Audience 

Knowing your audience is the cornerstone of any successful AEC marketing strategy. In construction, your clients might range from individual homeowners to large corporations and government agencies. 

Dive deep into understanding their needs, preferences, and decision-making processes. Consider demographic factors like location and industry, but also look at psychographic details such as their values and concerns. 

When implementing your construction company’s marketing strategy, your marketing team should always consider your target audience. To identify this audience, think about the following: 

  • What types of projects does your company aim to undertake? Options might include private, governmental, residential, or commercial.
  • Is your marketing strategy focused on business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), or a combination of both?
  • What is the typical budget of your potential clients?
  • Are your clients looking for the most cost-effective solution, or are they more concerned with sustainability and innovation? 

Recognizing these critical factors will assist in crafting the central messages of your marketing initiatives. 

Unsurprisingly, 80% of consumers say they are more likely to do business with a brand that offers personalized interactions. It’s important to build a strong understanding of your audience so you can effectively tailor your messaging and services to meet their needs.  

3. Prepare Your Construction Business Marketing Budget 

Your marketing budget is the financial blueprint for turning your goals into reality. It should be detailed and flexible, accounting for everything from digital advertising and SEO to traditional print materials and trade shows. 

Consider the cost of tools and platforms that can automate and streamline your efforts. Regularly review and adjust your budget based on performance and market changes to ensure every dollar contributes to your objectives. 

Remember, investing in quality construction branding and marketing now can lead to substantial returns in the future. Don’t just think of this as a cost; it’s an investment in your company’s growth. 

4. Position Your Construction Company for Success 

To position your construction company for success, you must clearly define what sets you apart from the competition. Focus on your strengths, unique services, and the value you bring to clients. 

When establishing the positioning of your construction business, consider the following key elements:

  • Your target market
  • Your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats 
  • Your competitors’ services and marketing strategies

Tailor your branding and messaging to reflect the quality and niche of your work.  How you position your business influences the way your target audience views your brand and services. Recognizing your company’s strengths and the potential opportunities available allows you to more effectively position your construction firm for success. 

Moreover, you should create a positioning statement based on the factors listed above. This simplifies the task of staying aligned and uniform in your marketing approach. 

However, it’s important to note that the positioning statement is an internal guide shaping your external communication tactics. While not used directly in advertising, your advertising and promotional strategies should come from the core message of the positioning statement. 

5. Outline a Marketing Mix 

The 4 Ps guide marketers to view a product or service from the perspective of consumers and purchasers. 

This framework helps in the development of a comprehensive marketing strategy, informed by a thorough understanding of the product, thoughtful pricing strategies, a cohesive approach to promotional activities, and distinctive insights into the locations where your audience can be found. 

What Are the 4 PS of Marketing for Construction Companies? 

The 4 Ps of marketing consist of four crucial components — product, price, promotion, and place — that together form the foundation of any marketing effort. Often referred to as “the marketing mix,” these elements collectively provide a structure for creating a marketing plan for a product or service. 

The idea of the 4 Ps and the marketing mix was initially introduced in the early 1950s by Professor Neil H. Borden at Harvard University. Let’s look at the 4 Ps in detail: 


The product refers to the item or service being offered, and the marketer must have an in-depth understanding of it. This comprehension goes beyond simply recognizing its features and functions. For crafting an effective marketing strategy, a comprehensive understanding of the following is required:

  • The product or service
  • The relationship between users and your product or service
  • The comparison of your product to that of competitors 


Within the marketing mix, “price” entails a product’s cost and its pricing framework, which will influence the marketing approach. Sometimes, pricing is crafted alongside a marketing strategy. However, even if the pricing specifics are predetermined and given to the marketing team, it remains a critical element to consider. 


Promotion involves engaging with customers and potential buyers. For many, promotion is synonymous with marketing, as it’s the aspect of the marketing strategy focused on how to inform your audience about your product. 

Promotion includes the following and more: 

  • SEO 
  • Content marketing 
  • Online ads 
  • Social media advertising 
  • Email marketing 
  • PR campaigns 
  • Media placement 

It includes all the factors necessary to deliver your product to your audience. 


Place relates to the locations and methods through which your product is accessible, along with the venues where your marketing messages are shared. The concept of a product’s “place” is a crucial aspect of marketing, as it also influences how the brand is perceived. 

Many construction businesses typically provide services at physical sites. However, it’s essential to recognize that the majority of marketing “places” are now online. Therefore, construction digital marketers must focus on identifying where their customers and buyers spend time online for both product offerings and promotional activities. 

Bonus Ps: People, Process, and Physical Evidence 

Since the 1950s— when the marketing mix was created— marketing has undergone significant transformations, and the marketing mix has been continuously evolving too. By the 1960s, additional elements like people, processes, and physical evidence were included, expanding the original Ps. 

Here’s what each of these Ps includes: 

  • People: This refers to the group that provides your services, including both the construction teams and customer service staff. 
  • Process: Develop a procedure for delivering services, such as outlining proposals, contract signing, payment schedules, and project timelines. 
  • Physical Evidence: This represents the tangible aspect of your services, which includes the structures your company has built or refurbished. 

The concept of the marketing mix is continually refined as marketers adapt it to updated marketing practices. 

6. Analyze Your Competitors 

Understanding your market means knowing your competition. Start by identifying your main competitors and then look into their strategies, strengths, and weaknesses. You should examine their service offerings, market presence, pricing structure, and marketing tactics. 

Consider what they are doing well and where they fall short. Analyzing your competition can significantly impact your marketing strategies.

Begin by pinpointing your primary competitor and analyzing their website, paid ads, and content. This will provide insights into their market positioning and the nature of their marketing messages. 

With this information, you can strategize your marketing responses. For example, if they’re focusing on specific keywords in their paid advertising, you might also target those keywords in your campaigns. 

This analysis will not only highlight opportunities for differentiation but also help you anticipate market shifts and stay one step ahead. Staying informed about your competitors’ marketing efforts ensures that your target audience is aware of alternative service providers. 

Remember, your goal isn’t just to keep up, but to stand out by offering something better or different. 

7. Conduct a SWOT Analysis 

A SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) is a strategic planning tool that provides a clear framework for evaluating your construction company at a micro and macro level. 

Assess your company’s internal strengths and weaknesses; these are factors within your control. Then identify external opportunities and threats; these are market conditions outside your control. 

Let’s take a look at what you should consider when analyzing each element: 

  • Strengths: Consider what your company excels at and where you hold an edge over competitors. What are your unique selling points?
  • Weaknesses: Identify areas where your company could improve. What aspects put you at a disadvantage compared to others? Are there gaps in your team or processes that need addressing?
  • Opportunities: Look for potential areas for expansion. What additional services could seamlessly complement your current offerings? In what areas do your competitors falter where you could excel?
  • Threats: Acknowledge the external challenges impacting your business. Are emerging technologies threatening any of your processes? Are you preparing to adapt to these changes? What other external factors (financial, economic, etc.) could pose a risk? 

By understanding these elements, you can come up with strategies to leverage your strengths, improve weaknesses, address threats, and capitalize on opportunities. This analysis is pivotal for aligning your marketing strategy with your construction company’s overall objectives. 

8. Set Marketing Objectives and KPIs 

Effective marketing is goal-oriented. Start by setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) objectives. Do you want to increase project bids by 20% in the next year? Or perhaps you aim to boost your online presence and have 30% more leads via your construction website. 

Whatever your goals, ensure they align with your overall business strategy. Next, determine the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to help you track your progress. This could be anything from website traffic and conversion rates to the number of new client consultations

Remember, a good KPI is like a compass—it guides your marketing efforts in the right direction. Some examples of marketing KPIs for a construction marketing plan are: 

  • Sales Growth
  • Leads (MQL and SQL)
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV or LTV)
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
  • Website Traffic-to-Lead Ratio
  • Website Lead-to-Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) Ratio
  • MQL-to-SQL (Sales Qualified Lead) Ratio
  • SQL-to-Quote Ratio
  • Website Traffic
  • Social Media Reach and Engagement 

Your business should establish marketing objectives and identify KPIs to gauge the success of these endeavors. Ensure these KPIs are ambitious enough to drive progress yet remain achievable. Setting unrealistic targets can lead to discouragement among your marketing team if they consistently fall short. 

9. Track and Monitor the Results 

Once the marketing plan for your construction company is in action, tracking and monitoring results is crucial to understanding its effectiveness. 

For example, if your goal last year was to capture 20% of the local market for kitchen and bath renovations, you need to assess the effectiveness of your strategies. How? Evaluate your current standing compared to the previous year to understand your progress. 

You should implement systems to measure key metrics like lead generation, conversion rates, website traffic, and customer engagement. Use tools and software that provide real-time data to make informed decisions. 

Additionally, regularly review these metrics to identify what’s working and what needs adjustment. 

Be prepared to pivot your strategies based on these insights to optimize your marketing efforts continuously. Remember, consistent monitoring and adaptation are key to achieving and maintaining marketing success. 

10. Marketing Plan Template 

We understand that all of this information may appear overwhelming, which is why we want to make it easier for you by providing you with a construction marketing plan template. This template will help you outline your construction company’s marketing objectives and the specifics of each objective, such as success measures, activities, and budget. 


Create a Marketing Plan For Your Construction Business With OpenAsset 

In the built world, managing your digital assets efficiently is not just a necessity; it’s a game-changer. 

OpenAsset is a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system specifically designed to meet the unique needs of the AEC industry. It streamlines the organization, access, and distribution of your digital content, from project photographs to plans and documents. 

By integrating OpenAsset into the marketing plan for your construction business, you’re not just organizing files; you’re building a strong foundation for showcasing your projects, enhancing your brand, and engaging effectively with clients and stakeholders. 

Moreover, utilizing a DAM like OpenAsset can significantly enhance your marketing efforts. It ensures that your valuable digital assets are easily accessible and ready to be leveraged in various marketing campaigns.

Whether you’re preparing a compelling construction proposal, updating your website, or posting on social media, having a well-organized library of high-quality images and documents allows you to consistently present your work in the best light. 

Moreover, with OpenAsset, you can ensure brand consistency across all marketing collateral, streamline collaboration among team members, and save time and resources in managing your digital content. 

In a competitive industry where every advantage counts, OpenAsset is an invaluable tool for any construction business looking to elevate its marketing strategy. That’s why 99% of our customers renew. 

Ready to experience the benefits of OpenAsset for yourself? 

Get OpenAsset
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