Security Best Practices: Keyword and Tagging Workflows + Image Size Permissions

Continuing from our last article on Security Best Practices: Access Levels and Upload Workflows. In this post we tackle two important components that will ensure long term success with OpenAsset.

Common Keyword and Tagging Workflows

Your keyword structure is an essential part to having a successful experience with OpenAsset (Read this post for great tips on keywording). We recommend having the administrators create the keyword structure and keep full ownership of what is added or removed to maintain its integrity. Taking advantage of OpenAsset’s group permissions, you can allow users to tag new uploads and existing files with the keywords you’ve set up. If new keywords need to be added, the users should reach out to the OpenAsset administrators with that request.

Common Image Size Permissions

One of the most powerful aspects of OpenAsset is its ability to automatically re-size the images you upload. This alleviates the pain of having multiple versions of the same image saved in siloed folders. For the best results, we recommend uploading the highest resolution image and having OpenAsset do all the re-sizing work for you. The image sizes are customizable, so you can create as many size options as you’d like. Users are then able to use the smaller jpeg versions to quickly and easily drag/drop images from OpenAsset to InDesign or PowerPoint, reducing document size and speeding up document creation times. While you can always allow them to access the “Original” size, you may want to limit their access to only a specific set of image sizes across the system. This might be a great option for the General User Group if you don’t want them using that 70mb TIF in a PowerPoint or email.

As your OpenAsset system continuously grows and evolves, you can adjust the workflows to fit your company’s needs. Of course, we are always here to help along the way, so feel free to get in touch with your Customer Success Manager or visit our Resources Page for more great tips!

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